Created by Weililoo on 7/26/2023 in #❓|질문-questions
Fly daughterboard for F1-8X V2
Hi, I don't need the fly daughterboard for F1-8X V2 if I use the Apollo87H-T-SC PCB which comes with its own soldered on USB C port, right? The fly daughterboard is only needed for the Galatea PCBs, correct?
7 replies
Created by Weililoo on 4/18/2023 in #❓|질문-questions
Apollo 88H T-SC F13 key cannot be remapped in VIA
Hi, just received my Apollo 88H T-SC PCB for my Frog TKL. VIA automatically recognise the PCB but I cannot remap the F13 key. Any ideas on what to try to resolve this issue? Thanks!
6 replies