❔ Checking Compatibility?!
I'm planning a Crystal Reports proxy for WinForms application developed in .net7.
The thing is i need to have a multipart solution that can call reports and show its result, in case if .net 3+ Crystal Reports is not supported in any way... I've checked online but still couldn't find any useful nuget or 3rd party solution for that.
What I'm planning is to have a .net standard application that can hold a WinForms form and show report however i like, all my reporting requirements can be boiled down to just 4 constructors and a few configs that can be done on runtime.
I'm stuck on the point where i need to add Form class to .net standard, in add new file dialogue box there is no option to do so, also if i copy past a file it throws errors that are not resolved by any ways that im used to.
9 replies
❔ Generating SQL strings in a method?
Hello there, I want to create a method that can generate me a SQL string based upon the parameters passes
I've thought of having a Table Name, Table Obj (obj data is update by entry form), Key Field name and key value
that would be something like
public static ExtSQL(this DbContext _context, string Table_Name, dynamic TableObj, string KeyFileld, string KeyValue) this method will check if given value exist in Table or not (this part is done) but when it comes to generating insert SQL or update i cant figure out how or what ways should take to achieve this.
public static ExtSQL(this DbContext _context, string Table_Name, dynamic TableObj, string KeyFileld, string KeyValue) this method will check if given value exist in Table or not (this part is done) but when it comes to generating insert SQL or update i cant figure out how or what ways should take to achieve this.
15 replies