Created by 7racker on 2/19/2024 in #⛅|pods
Zero GPU issue
I wanted to start up a SD Comfy UI pod I created the other day and when I start it up I get a pop-up with the message stating that I don't have access to any GPUs and that I should consider creating a network volume. I click the link to learn more which goes to this page https://docs.runpod.io/references/faq?_gl=1*lokxwm*_ga*OTAwNDMyOTA4LjE3MDY5MDYzNDc.*_ga_KMF5V28LQG*MTcwODM0NDg1Ni4xMi4xLjE3MDgzNDQ4NTYuNjAuMC4yMDg3Nzg5MzIz*_gcl_au*MjA5MjM3NzI3Ny4xNzA2OTA2MzQ3#why-do-i-have-zero-gpus-assigned-to-my-pod And in that section there is a link to Learn how to use them (network volumes) and it links to a page with out any tutorial on how to set one up. Here is that link https://docs.runpod.io/pods/network-storage/create-network-volumes Can you get that page online and/or help me here?
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