Explore posts from servers
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Kepmon on 9/30/2023 in #front-end
Astro - how to pass data from the server- to the client-side JavaScript
So... how do you do that? I mean, I'm pretty new to this whole SSR concept, so I feel a bit overwhelmed by that but I'm sure there has to be the way to do that. Like... people don't fetch data on a client-side when working with SSR-supporting technologies, do they? So... I actually hope, I'm just the stupid one here and I'm just doing something wrong (I'm quite a begginer to both Astro and SSR, so it's highly probable 🙈) and there is a simple solution here that I just don't know about.
2 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Kepmon on 9/16/2023 in #ui-ux
NVDA doesn't see buttons inside a popup
Well, I actually thought this is some kind of an NVDA bug or that maybe browsers handle those v-if and v-show directives differently (my knowledge on how Vue works under the hood should be certainly improved). Therefore, I thought my code wouldn't be relevant. But, if you think, this may be due to CSS or JS, then here is my most up-to-date code:
4 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Kepmon on 9/16/2023 in #ui-ux
NVDA doesn't see buttons inside a popup
Since I'm very beginner to accessibility, I have no idea what's going on and how I can fix it. I spent around 2 hours googling for it and I found similar github issues as well as stackoverflow posts but I haven't found any solution. People writing those posts seem to use many different aria-attributes but I didn't test most of them because, to me, using as many aria-attributes as you're able to come up with doesn't necessarly improve the user experience, so I try as little of them as I possibly can. But, obviously, I wouldn't know any better, so I may be wrong on this one. Nevertheless, if it matters, I don't have any aria-attributes on this popup and only aria-label and aria-controls on this user-button. I could probably work around this by making this whole popup focusable and add an aria-label to it that would explain to a user that they should use Tab on this one, not the arrow keys, but I can see so many disadvantages of this approach... So, I thought, maybe there is someone here who faced a similar issue and know (or at least have an idea) what may be a source of my problem and could help me? Maybe should I in fact add an aria-attribute that I don't know about? But it works on Firefox and with this Silktide thing without additional aria-attributes... Nevertheless, I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask and in worst case scenario I can just go with the previously mentioned workaround.
4 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Kepmon on 9/7/2023 in #front-end
How to embed a rich-text editor on a website?
I understand. Thank you very much for your help and I hope I'll be able to implement that 😅
24 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Kepmon on 9/7/2023 in #front-end
How to embed a rich-text editor on a website?
Alright, so how do I know how to display this content later on? Let's say, you're a user. You're writing a post in this markdown editor, I convert it to html, so you're able to see it formatted exactly like you wrote it, on my page. But, concurrently, I'm sending your whole post to firebase and want to display this post (along with all your previous posts) on your dasboard or profile view or anything, everytime you log in. So, it's my understanding, I would have to store it in firebase with this markdown formatting, like so:
post: {
title: 'Let me [google]( it **for you**'
// ...
post: {
title: 'Let me [google]( it **for you**'
// ...
and then convert it to markdown and subsequently convert it to html? I'm sorry if I'm getting all of this completely wrong but I'm not really familiar with the ways of converting .md to html. I remeber the Kevin's video, when he was showing that but he did use separate .md files and I don't think this is an option for me, since I guess I would need some backend to be able to take the user data and create an .md file out of it. So, I'm actually starting to think that maybe this was just a bad idea and implementing this would be much more troublesome than I initially thought. But I have previous experience with not thinking things throught before starting coding and this time and I don't want to make the same mistake 😅 So, I will be really thankful for everything you could tell me on this one and even if I decide to change the concept of my page for now, it may still be useful for me in the future. Maybe I'm just not good enough to implement this today but I might be in the future and I could just add this feature then.
24 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Kepmon on 9/7/2023 in #front-end
How to embed a rich-text editor on a website?
@Jochem I understand, thank you for the explanation. In fact, I don't expect my users to know how to write in markdown, so I'll try to implement a WYSIWYG editor. But, since we're already talking about it, maybe one more question - I understand I just convert .md to html to be able to display the content but what about sending the inputed data to firebase? Will I be able to convert .md to an object or JSON?
24 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Kepmon on 9/7/2023 in #front-end
How to embed a rich-text editor on a website?
Yeah, but this I can easily handle through firebase. I mean, it's my understanding that I can grab whatever a user inputs in such a field. Not sure on this one, but even if it's a markdown I could probably use some tool to convert it into json or something to be able to send it over to firebase, couldn't I?
24 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Kepmon on 9/7/2023 in #front-end
How to embed a rich-text editor on a website?
Thank you for the sources, I'll look at them tomorrow, since it's 2 AM here and I'm done for today with all coding stuff 🙈
24 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Kepmon on 9/7/2023 in #front-end
How to embed a rich-text editor on a website?
I'm afraid it should be a plain text. The thing is I want to register users in my website and allow them to input content to it (like blog posts, for example, but this will be actually a different type of content). And my user isn't supposed to be a technical person so they probably wouldn't now how to write markdown. I mean, this is actually meant to be a website for my portfolio, so I don't insist of such a solution if it either doesn't exist or I'm to stupid to implement that. I just wanted to enhance one of frontendmentor challenges, since its "basic" layout/functionality seems way to easy for me, even though it's a "Guru" level. And I thought I'd gladly learn something new along the way. That's why I thought maybe I'd ask here and see what happens 😛
24 replies