17 Replies
@Piston pleas help me i have tdm glitch
i cannot see extra ammo teammates and enemy even the match is ended
Please report bugs through the report feature in the top-right corner during matches or from the bottom-right corner of the main menu, @notforyou. You can also submit a report in #old in compliance with the channel's pinned instructions.
You may also refer to #game-news for the latest patch note:
▫️ the countdown gets stuck and enemies do not render at the respawn point when entering TDM
When does C1S1 end?
@Piston but i have tdm issue and how much wait i have to do for it to fix
Cycle 1 Season 1 end: September 13, 2021, 23:59 UTC
You can wait until the planned patch is released. Please be patient.
Oh so the RP will end after C1S2 starts
when it is going to be realsed
No estimated time or date.
what to do for rp missions
I am afraid I cannot help you with this. Feel free to complete the missions in Classic mode instead.
yes without doing wait we can't do anything btw thanks for help❤️
Ban information
Please refer to the private message from @PUBG MOBILE for further information, @POLI SARATH WG4 YT.
My account was ban for 10 years I never use any illegal software.
Please refer to the private message from @PUBG MOBILE for further information, @NiShA.
My account got banned two days ago without any reason while I’ve never cheated with a banned date 1 year ago please help