Does the Twitter account belong to you?

Does the Twitter account belong to you?
15 Replies
smokey4y ago
Yes but they hacked into my account and change everything and they keep doing this for a week And the people that hacked my account sold it for 140 dollars on telemarketing or something and I keep telling them I want it back but they doing listen or anything I keep logining into my apple link and I keep unlinking Twitter but they keeping logining each time and today they done it 50 times
πTh0N | πⓉⓗ⓪Ⓝ
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πTh0N | πⓉⓗ⓪Ⓝ
It's already!
ghostlord294y ago
Hello, My ID is hacked and it's no more accessible by me. Please help me I've done many purchases on it. I have many proofs that can prove the ID belongs to me I've tried contacting the in game support but it's 2 day they haven't replied.
PistonOP4y ago
Since the Twitter account belongs to you, you can recover it back by contacting Twitter's customer service, @smokey17: ▫️ You cannot unlink the Twitter account on your own as the the unauthorized person could just log in to cancel the process. Hence, you will need to contact the customer service in-game and request the support agent to help you unlink the compromised Twitter account. You can either do this or recover your Twitter account.
Kushagra4y ago
Hi where can I get help regarding beta pubg mobile@Piston
PistonOP4y ago
That is odd. It should work. Do you have the Twitter application installed as well? The customer service in-game receives an enormous amount of requests every day, please be patient. A support agent will respond to you as quickly as possible.
smokey4y ago
Can’t do that because they change the email there that I don’t use anymore and now I gotta wait for 6 days until Wednesday for this
PistonOP4y ago
How can we help you?
ghostlord294y ago
Is it still possible to get my ID back?
Kushagra4y ago
I accidentally uninstalled beta version When I reinstalled it And enter guest It asked for code When I put my code it shows code is already used
PistonOP4y ago
It does not matter if the unauthorized person had changed the linked e-mail address on your Twitter account, you will still be able to recover it by contacting Twitter's customer service.
Abhiram4y ago
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smokey4y ago
But that’s the problem it’s a random email I put and they can’t do nothing about it and if you know they can . Can you show me how to do it!

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