16 Replies
@(~‾▿‾)~ ok thank you
idk but, surely pubg have not released stuff that can make a diff. of 500 mb ( considering the new weapons, helicopter and stuff came in 700 mb update)
hey, i have updated the game and i am trying to play emote which have weapons. but the emote is still playing without weapon
Hello, @SujayPatra✓!
Should you encounter any kinds of bugs or technical issues in the game, please report them directly in-game by clicking the
button located at top-right during matches, or by clicking the ^
button located in the bottom-right corner of the main menu and selecting Report
Alternatively, in case the report failed or if you have any kind of additional information, such as screenshot(s) and/or video(s), please contact the customer service via the game settings. Refer to subpoint 6.1
in <#481198147478224896> for further instructions. Visual content can be uploaded to online hosting services, such as Imgur and YouTube, and sent as links.
Additionally, you can submit a report in #bug-reports in compliance with the channel's pinned instructions.@Setin™ You mean in the game?
Or in the lobby?
@Setin™ you have to download the resources pack
Payload will be Available on a later date
in the training mode i tried, all the resources are downloaded
@-Kar†ik- actually it was 800+ mb before update. Which was dismantled. Now they packed it. :pubgm_kappa:
Hacker with title of Crew Challange LOL PUBG 🤣
@AdarshRangare We do not deal with such reports. Kindly report ingame.
I did
@(~‾▿‾)~ i am trying now in game, basically royal pass season 9 sword emote
It takes time for the system to take action as it receives thousands of reports and has to review each report individually.
Rest assured, all cheaters get banned, @AdarshRangare.
@Setin™ The emote does not display weapon in the lobby or in the game?
@(~‾▿‾)~ I got the darly set permanently but it's no more in my inventory