16 Replies
1 more link use by hackers
I understood that.
And my twitter itself got hacked and completely taken by hackers
You have to recover your Twitter account on Twitter's site.
Your account's security is your own responsibility.
We can't help you here, I gave you all the solutions.

1. Revoke access to the hacker's account (in-game Customer Support)
2. Recover your Twitter account (Twitter Customer Support).
See the bottom email was hackers
This i got reply from twitter every single time I trying to recover my twitter for past 9 days

When will the results of Group C in game qualifiers will be declared, anybody know?
@gen00me Well you got your answer.
Again, account security is your own responsibility.
We can't help you here.
Try revoking access, and don't log out.
Good luck.
@Kya scene Soon.
when will we get notch update that brought in 0.13 update or whatever.. we want that update..
What do you mean, @Davy Jones?
the notch update
That's not very precise.
new update almost ruin my whole settings
I see.
The fix patch is coming soon.