14 Replies
I don't want to root my device just for a game 😕
You don't have to root.
Just backup your data to an external storage.
Install the game and get the data back.
I'm on a low end device, I only have 16Gb storage, and with the sytem files, google built-in apps, and beta that makes 3Gb free, meaning I can only have Beta or Global once at a time 😶
edit if I install them from an apk
Understandable. Just grab your parents phone and shareit some of the data you don't need for the game. For temporary.
Why are you assuming I'm a kid 😅
@FranckCastle ive been facing storage problems too. i kept the global version. its up to you :)
Then grab your sons/daughters phone.
@ Toroid Yes you're right... Anyway I'm only playing TDM on Beta 😶 But problem is, I wanted to keep beta because I downloaded it from Google Play at the time it was still available there 😶
@ Hope Well I'm actually a kid yes, and my device is the best at home 😕
@FranckCastle Well, we gave you options to choose from. At the end it's your choice what you're gonna do. Good luck.
Yes I guess so 🤷😓😭
Anyway thanks everyone! @Deleted User @(~‾▿‾)~ @Deleted User
Sometimes my ping always goes high even i have a better internet and fast.
@✨一人ぼっちObito ping also depends on your teammate's countries. If an Indian player plays with a Russian player he will get 150+ ping which he doesnt get normally.
That’s why game sucks.
Anyone that is good lives close to the servers and or has the best connection
Thank you again everyone for helping me, after 4 hours I finally got it 😭