19 Replies
@Winnie The Pooh how's multiplayer doing for you on your own server?
oh cool
anyone wanna play or is it a waste starting my comp up this minute
i'm down to start a map, i'm pretty new to the game and the survival gamestyle but i've got about 18 hours of experience so far.
Did i just hear the next update is the beta?
its live now isn't it?
isnt this the alpha?
just a few days ago there was an in game countdown til this newest patch, i thought it was live but maybe it is the beta
nah still alpha
beta aint expected till next year apparently according to the devs or at least until the end of the year earliest'if they do bring it out earlier i recogn they would have big plans in the works and huge updates in the coming weeks
Spring break needs to hurry up and be here lel
ahaha indeed
Hiding from cannibals in the new update like ^
the cannibals on the other side of your wall^
and now flares go out the second they get wet... -_- that's not how flares work