issues when installing the panel
What I am trying to do: I am trying to install the admin panel
What I did:
i ran: composer require filament/filament
php artisan filament:install --panels
My issue/the error: when running php artisan filament:install --panels
it asks for and admin id. when i provide one it finished the installation but gives an error in my files and i cant acces the panel
Code: In providers.php line 5:
syntax error, unexpected token "", expecting "]"
return [
Solution:Jump to solution
Possibly caused by the 1 in the PanelProvider don't think classes support numbers
11 Replies
Possibly caused by the 1 in the PanelProvider don't think classes support numbers
yeah i saw that but it does it automaticly when it asks for an id?
Did you write 1 for the ID per chance? ID means the name of the panel i.e. 'client' or 'admin'
wasnt i supposed to?
It\s supposed to be 'client' or 'admin' for instance
it says nothing about that in de documentation
but ill try it now
It doesn't need too, it says in the generation:
Panel ID i.e. 'admin' or similar I am sure, I'll check the install command now
Interesting you were allowed to start with an integer
validate: fn (string $value) => match (true) {
preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z].*/', $value) !== false => null,
default => 'The ID must start with a letter, and not a number or special character.',
shows it shouldn't have been allowed.
it worked thank you

but i would put it in the documentation so that others wont get confused
It shouldn't ever happen because of the validator so surpised it worked for you
alr il work on my panel now thanks again!