livewire.min.js not found
I build a panel using Filament, it was up and running fine, for this installation I placed the code in /usr/share/nginx/html/panel and nginx site pointed to /usr/share/nginx/html/panel/public.
Turns out an IT guy moved everything to /var/www/html, and edited nginx to point to /var/www/html/public.
Now the panel is broken, I was checking browser console and it is complaining about a missing livewire.min.js. I need help with this one, I already:
- Cleared routes cache
- ran php artisan cache:clear
13 Replies
Tell your IT guy to move it back. They might be exposing sensitive information too.
LOL, that's like discussing with my granpa
Also make sure they are allowing livewire requests to be served via php instead of serving livewire.js as a static asset.
Will try this one

Yea. That’s what I was thinking.
I even published livewire assets, but still the same

Hmm, odd. Wish I had more insight but it is a server config issue.
Something isn’t resolving correctly. Hard to say though.
okay, it found livewire, but now it's failing for livewire/update
Hmm, as long as the nginx is setup correctly it should all just work.
Is this a shared hosting situation?
No, it's a linux box
Yea, as long as it’s resolving to /public it should just all work.
The only thing coming to mind is nginx serving js and css as static assets.
This is odd

I guess, that piece of code is responsible of loading assets
Oh, never mind, this guy is incredible, he edited nginx.conf instead of the specific site
I just realized it when I made a copy to the original localtion, and the browser console is still complaining about the old route.
Everything's fine now, thanx a lot @awcodes