What goes in a good listing?

I want to sell some shoes (still in the box). What should I do, when selling something, that will catch a buyer's eye? What tips are there for creating an attractive title/description, or for taking photos? Tips that wouldn't be obvious to a first-time seller. These are things I've never really thought about, and I wouldn't know where to start. The advice should be platform-agnostic: whether eBay or FB or Poshmark or Depop or anywhere else
6 Replies
Mosh4d ago
1. Clear image of the product 2. Multiple angles 3. Disclose any wear / damage 4. White background / no noise in the background 5. If possible show images of the receipt 6. Show pictures of the ID inside of the shoe aswell as the info on the box When it comes to selling for me transparency is key. You can also comment on the sizing (if you sized up, down, tts, etc) I also found that having a picture of it on a model / the storefront image can help captivate people into looking at the listing Creds to @tman916 for that one
tman9164d ago
lol you saved that?
Mosh4d ago
Js though alot of it comes down to the type of product / shoe aswell. Sometimes things can sit for a very long time Ive had items from designers that go in a day, and from the same designers sometimes sit for 6+ months So if these are the columbia boots you’re referring to from the last post you might have to be patient
casey4d ago
Good advice above, in regards to title try to list details in order of priority in a way someone might actually type. Include as much detail as you can in the character limit without superfluous text. Item/size/color/material/keywords (hiker, outdoor, work wear etc.) I looked up your specific boots and they actually have a high STR. Theyre pretty likely to sell in a month or two if you make a good listing.
kewlpinguino4d ago
don't necessarily need it for shoes but for clothing please include measurements, preferably with pictues showing them too (so you can see how the ruler/tape was held)

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