Server removal request

I would like to get my server removed from the website due to security reasons, showing up my server ip and rocket addons (stuff that is not public to the users on my server when check it on unturned) and not updating my server ip to steam's ip.
3 Replies
[MIG] EOC LongBarrel
Sorry but battlemetrics can not do such, Even if they were too, your server is still querying, meaning your server is publicly transmitting out onto the internet, making it accessible for anyone to query. If you don't wish battlemetrics to list/query your server, you will have to block the internet from querying your server. Battlemetrics would auto re-acquire it while it also is querying.
creedowOP3d ago
atleast hide sensitive informations on request
[MIG] EOC LongBarrel
No battlemetrics has no obligation to hide information that is publicly transmitted out on the internet for anyone to gather. You can pay for RCON+ Claim your server via RCON & Hide the server. That is a Feature offered to RCON+ Subscribers.

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