if I buy a pubg account, can the person who sold it make a ticket to get the account back?
15 Replies
bros finna gettin banned
selling accs or buying accs is illegal as far as i know
and ye they can recover if you not buying from someone trusted
Bro but when you appeals for unban it s “verifiyng”, check you matches?
you mean if you get ban ?
and you appeal for unban
Because suddenly I was banned without using anything illegal, I played on Sunday, entered on Monday and Tuesday to send chickens, and on Wednesday I was banned.
10 years ?
I don t sell acc bro, i want buy another because i don t have now acc
Yes but idk why
and u should close ts or we both banned 😭
When appeal it s verifying checking you match?
ye they check everything
but 10 years = GGs
they banning you fir a reason
no one gets ban wout reason
Nice, i am unbanned after checking matches everything
then try it but
as i said
prob they wont do shit
My account is nice, I would never play with anything illegal.
thats what i said at my last 6 accs
and guess what
60 years