what's up with your docs?
They are as of right now very innacurate.
First of, I'm trying to solve an issue and the only place I can go, naturally, is the documentation at docs.novu.co. Yet, it says one thing and the implementation (specifically @novu/react) it's a very different one.
Consider the following example: https://docs.novu.co/platform/sdks/react/hooks/use-counts This documentation on the use of the useCount hook in the @novu/react package mentions the return value of the hook being
When actually, it's
So either there's something i'm missing or you guys should update the documentation.
useCounts | Novu Documentation
Learn how to use the useCounts hook to fetch notification counts in your React application
5 Replies
Thanks for reporting. Our documentation needs update
@Pawan Jain https://docs.novu.co/platform/inbox/react/hooks#bell-button-with-unread-count too, mentions a useUnreadCount imported from @novu/react. Which it's not there:
from @novu/react/dist/client/index.d.ts:
Hooks | Novu Documentation
Learn how to build a custom notifications UI using React hooks powered by Novu
@wasabi, you just advanced to level 1!
We fixed the docs for hooks