mfad22h ago

Looking ahead to summer - roomy linen shorts

As per title, I'd like some recommendations for a pair of roomy shorts, made of linen or blends. Budget in the range of 100~200, if used even better. Things that might fit the bill: Kapital Linen Stripe Easy Shorts Loose Linen Shorts Pics related, I usually wear shirts w/ patterns :harold:
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3 Replies
awburkey22h ago
Manresa will have some options for SS
Universal works does a nice pleated short, they might run it in a linen/linen blend this season I have a pair in seersucker, really like them
bucciaratiOP13h ago
Ty will keep an eye over it Yep there's some good options for s/s 25 :blobfeelsevil:

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