Touch issue on iPhone 16 Pro Max
While playing pubgm on this device i’ve been having issues with the touch on the edges of the screen ( especially the bottom ) my tap is registering as hold. Anyone with iPhone having the same issue? Also how can i fix it? Thanks in advance
13 Replies
As you can see on the video i can’t enter the clan or settings because of this issue
Also happens in game for weapon switching
Same issue with guided access on
Wonder if that’s a game bug or device issue?
Doesn’t happen on any other app btw
@Saif iphone issue or just me?
I think its because of the gesture thing down there
The rest of the screen works fine
I guess just rotate the phone ?
Tried, doesn’t fix it
I guess you can put the setting and clan in other place like where you check mail. Just by holding it and moving (I guess)
Yeah i somehow manage that
But the problem happens in game too
Makes it difficult sometimes
Did you check other id from your iphone ? If it wasn't the mobile fault and only id issue?
Don’t know how it can be an id issue but while playing on my old phone (samsung galaxy a52 5g) i wasn’t having this issue
So im guessing it has to be something with the iphone
Or the gesture thing but idk, the worst part is that im a new iphone user and dont know much about ios. Got the phone like a week ago and this issue has been bothering me
Okay Brother. Can you help me for one thing?
Do you have extra id brother ? If you have can i play through QR?
No sry i only have mine
Okay Brother. Thank you brother. Good Talking to you.
Same to you, thanks for trying to help