mfad5d ago

collar replacing

is it a good idea or not to cut off the old collar on a button down and replace it with a better one? would there be any downsides?
13 Replies
sharloy5d ago
How would you get the same fabric
cornvladOP5d ago
buy another of the same shirt on ebay or something
cornvladOP5d ago
No description
cornvladOP5d ago
i just don’t like this tiny little collar it makes me sad
sharloy5d ago
If you’re gonna buy another shirt why not just wear that one
cornvladOP5d ago
pinkkea5d ago
if you're gonna buy another shirt with the same fabric just wear the other shirt it's probably easier to take in a larger shirt than to replace a collar disclaimer this isn't medical advice
cornvladOP5d ago
sorry i don’t think i explained it correctly oops I have a very low budget (5-15$). i can’t find shirts with collars that i like in that price range. i currently own 2 shirts, both of which i can find used in that price range. my idea was to buy one and cut it up and make a new, better collar that i like, and sew it onto the first shirt
pinkkea5d ago
oh i see, using the fabric of the shirt instead of just transplanting the collar i mean it does still sound very difficult to get right
cornvladOP5d ago
gotcha. so do u think it would just be a waste?
pinkkea5d ago
i wouldn't try it personally yeah if you trust your own sewing or have a tailor you trust (though i imagine that's over budget) i guess it's fine i'm not super qualified to speak on it
will5d ago
sounds like an easier time to just look for a different shirt in your price range
cornvladOP5d ago
gotcha, thank you!!

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