Temporary Ban (UD

Ello came to look to this server to see if anybody can help I tried to file a claim to appeal the ban but it was denied since it said I played with someone that was cheating and I played with them twice without knowing they were cheating. I joined them from recruitment and got ban the next day later. Im currently ranking in ultimate and I get unbanned the last day of ultimate. Was wondering if somebody can help me.
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Hello @Ty Accounts are suspended for violating PUBG MOBILE's terms of service. Please use the File Claim option when trying to log into your account if you want to appeal for your account suspension. If you have any objections to claim results, please contact the customer service through in-game ....
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4 Replies
Hello @Ty Accounts are suspended for violating PUBG MOBILE's terms of service. Please use the File Claim option when trying to log into your account if you want to appeal for your account suspension. If you have any objections to claim results, please contact the customer service through in-game .
TyyOP5d ago
Ye Ive already done file claim right when I got the ban but it got denied earlier in the morning
If you have any objections to claim results, please contact the customer service through in-game .
TyyOP5d ago
Would I have to login in an account to do that I tried clicking on it earlier but it just shows a list of options

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