Can't seem to globally change the AttachAction modal width?

I have a service provider where I'm configuring defaults for many components. One component I'm trying to configure is the Filament\Tables\Actions\AttachAction modalWidth. I'm doing the following:
Tables\Actions\AttachAction::configureUsing(function (Tables\Actions\AttachAction $component): void {
Tables\Actions\AttachAction::configureUsing(function (Tables\Actions\AttachAction $component): void {
This does not seem to be working though. Any ideas why? It seems both the AttachAction and the AssociateAction are setting the modal width in their setUp method and I thought I could override this in the configureUsing should I not be able to?
Hmm, after looking at the configureUsing method, it appears there is an isImportant parameter that I can set to true which solves my issue.
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1 Reply
morty5d ago
Hmm, after looking at the configureUsing method, it appears there is an isImportant parameter that I can set to true which solves my issue.

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