10 Replies
@delfin @S1lent
for all the mods: actually watch the video before typing a NPC/AI/Bot-Like reply.
Wait, since when are there flares on livik? Lol
Playing livik since livik beta never seen a flare
That’s not an answer
Doesn’t matter. They don’t work
I asked for a non bot-like reply
I said to watch the video
Have you submitted the bug report?
No I’m not doing all that BS
It’s their game. It’s their job to fix it
I don’t get paid to help them fix their game so why tf would I do work for them
If you do not report it as a bug, there is no other way you will get a response. Thank you!
The link is not for you to fix it. Please re-read the reply you were provided.
I don’t need to report it as a bug. You can clearly see the problem based off of the video I sent
It’s pretty obvious what the bug is
I couldn’t have recorded it any better
It’s been a bug for 2 entire seasons now. Kinda sad
It’s only a bug in the non-event mode
Event mode u can still shoot flares
It’s not a device problem. Other friends of mine have the same problem
What else do u wanna know
It’s NA server
Yeah so if you can report that, meaning click on the link and just upload the video, it would be much more helpful for them to look into it. Through community we redirect for bug to the link since it’s the appropriate platform and for them to acknowledge and fix it.
I am just a normal player like you or any other else. If I face a bug, I do use the same link to report it and hence it’s being checked and rectify. So please go ahead and do that.
brother can u dm me there is a serious proplem in pubg antid-cheat