No synthesizer found for key: "" on FileUpload
Hello I just started filament and laravel one week ago, dans I'm facing this error when I try to upload a file using FileUpload.
this is my code :
->label('Fichier PDF')
->hidden(fn ($get) => !self::isFieldVisible($eye, 'pdf', $get)),
Thank you for your help10 Replies
I also change the disk in config to local instead of public
remove the {eye} from the file name does that help?
It\s usually due to the default value of the property however, needing to be null not ''
yes it fixes it, thanks for your help, I'll find another way to put this variable
Nope it doesn't work
Same error as the beginning
Then $eye is not defined properly. try
I have this :
with :
protected static function generateEyeTab(string $eye): Forms\Components\Tabs\Tab
I don't know if it's the right way to do it
In my generateEyeTab I have then my FileUploadI dunno I'd need to see the whole code that renders the FileUpload
looks like it should be good tbh