Corne 6 Column with premium case has random delay in communicating the key press to the computer

I finished building the keyboard and no matter which half I am using there exist this random delay between key press and it registering on the computer. Anyone has any idea how to debug/fix?
2 Replies
TyperAI4d ago
That sounds frustrating! Let's troubleshoot the delay. First, try increasing the transmit power. Add CONFIG_BT_CTLR_TX_PWR_PLUS_8=y to your ZMK .conf file. See if that helps! If not, try disabling 2M PHY by adding CONFIG_BT_CTLR_PHY_2M=n to your ZMK .conf file. If the issue persists, try the troubleshooting steps here: Let me know if any of these steps help! If not, tag me again, and we'll dig deeper.
Poor Range | Documentation
Solve poor wireless range with your ZMK keyboard.
Keyboard Won't Pair | Documentation
Fix your ZMK keyboard that won't pair.
kvotheOP4d ago
this is my current corne.conf : Uncomment the following line to enable deep sleep CONFIG_ZMK_SLEEP=y Uncomment the following line to increase the keyboard's wireless range CONFIG_BT_CTLR_TX_PWR_PLUS_8=y Enable eager debouncing CONFIG_ZMK_KSCAN_DEBOUNCE_PRESS_MS=1 CONFIG_ZMK_KSCAN_DEBOUNCE_RELEASE_MS=10 Enable ZMK Studio for Realtime Keymap Updates CONFIG_ZMK_STUDIO=y CONFIG_ZMK_STUDIO_LOCKING=n Uncomment the following line to enable USB Logging (this increases power usage by a significant amount, turn it off when not in use) CONFIG_ZMK_USB_LOGGING=y Battery reporting and the interval CONFIG_ZMK_BATTERY_REPORTING=y CONFIG_ZMK_BATTERY_REPORT_INTERVAL=600 Power Management CONFIG_ZMK_PM_SOFT_OFF=y

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