Order by on Joined Tables

I am attempting to do an order by for a joined table
export const playerItem = pgTable(
id: uuid()
playerId: uuid().references(() => player.id),
(t) => [index("player_item_pk_index").on(t.id)],
export const player = pgTable(
id: uuid()
fullName: text().notNull(),
firstName: text().notNull(),
lastName: text().notNull(),

(t) => [index("player_pk_index").on(t.id)],
export const playerItem = pgTable(
id: uuid()
playerId: uuid().references(() => player.id),
(t) => [index("player_item_pk_index").on(t.id)],
export const player = pgTable(
id: uuid()
fullName: text().notNull(),
firstName: text().notNull(),
lastName: text().notNull(),

(t) => [index("player_pk_index").on(t.id)],
I want to query playerItem with an order by on player.lastName descending. I don't see any examples in the documentation on how to do this or if Drizzle allows it. This is a simplified example of the schema, denormalizing would make sense here, but I purposely excluded the rest of the columns/relations to make reading easier Any help would be appreciated!
14 Replies
TOSL2d ago
Drizzle ORM - Query
Drizzle ORM is a lightweight and performant TypeScript ORM with developer experience in mind.
jkbOP2d ago
This will only order by the player table not the return of the playerItem Essentially looking to order playerItem based on player.lastName
TOSL2d ago
Have you written anything? Show me the query you're using right now?
jkbOP2d ago
Im tyring to get a more basic example working. Im not using the tables mentioned above because my local db is not filled with that data yet. My users table is
export const user = pgTable(
id: uuid()
firstName: text(),
lastName: text(),
lastLogin: timestamp({ precision: 6, withTimezone: true }),
(t) => [index("user_pk_index").on(t.id)],
export const userRoleMappings = pgTable(
id: uuid()
userId: uuid().references(() => user.id),
userRoleId: integer()
.references(() => userRoles.id),
(t) => [index("user_role_mapping_pk_index").on(t.id)],

orderBy:(userRoleMappings, { asc }) => [asc(userRoleMappings.userRoleId)]
export const user = pgTable(
id: uuid()
firstName: text(),
lastName: text(),
lastLogin: timestamp({ precision: 6, withTimezone: true }),
(t) => [index("user_pk_index").on(t.id)],
export const userRoleMappings = pgTable(
id: uuid()
userId: uuid().references(() => user.id),
userRoleId: integer()
.references(() => userRoles.id),
(t) => [index("user_role_mapping_pk_index").on(t.id)],

orderBy:(userRoleMappings, { asc }) => [asc(userRoleMappings.userRoleId)]
In the example above I want to return users ordered by their userRoleId this would be very similar to the other tables above, but I want to order the parent by a relational table @TOSL { "status": "error", "error": "syntax error at or near "desc"" } That query throws this error ^
TOSL2d ago
Move the orderby inside the with Or have you tried that and it isn't the output you're looking for?
jkbOP2d ago
I did try that and it only sorts the userRoleMappings not the users
TOSL2d ago
I see.
jkbOP2d ago
with: {
userRoleMappings: {
orderBy: (userRoleMappings, { desc }) => [
with: {
userRoleMappings: {
orderBy: (userRoleMappings, { desc }) => [
TOSL2d ago
Query can't order by related fields at least not directly you can use a subquery or just use db.select()
jkbOP2d ago
Thats what I did get working here: db.select().from(users).innerJoin(userRoleMappings,eq(users.id,userRoleMappings.userId)).orderBy(asc(userRoleMappings.userRoleId)).limit(5).execute()
TOSL2d ago
Yeah this your best bet. you shouldn't need execute() though
jkbOP2d ago
Im suprised they don't allow for the ordering by relation figured it would be a common use case :Shrug:
TOSL2d ago
It's just not supported. The RQB using json aggregation to return the tables as arrays. It's just a limitation of how it was built. I believe it something they intend to improve in relation api v2
jkbOP2d ago
@TOSL thanks for the help, looking forward to being able to use this in the future

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