My account got hacked

Idk how but some Ukrain guy logged into my email, and changed my email to his on my account. Fortunately I am still logged in val and on some riot games site
24 Replies
CyPieter >3
CyPieter >3OP2w ago
And disabled my 2 factor thingy
Metamorphosis2w ago
If you’re still logged into the site, you can change the email ?
CyPieter >3
CyPieter >3OP2w ago
I'm not in that site If I go to that one I need to log in but I can send a ticket
Metamorphosis2w ago
Then just send a ticket to riot
CyPieter >3
CyPieter >3OP2w ago
Idk wich tho, cuz I only see like val ticket, lol ticket And just like games ticket
Metamorphosis2w ago
VANGUARD Main2w ago
:valQuestion: If you have forgotten your login credentials or your account has been compromised, you can try to recover your account by heading to the link below. Permanently banned or deleted accounts cannot be retrieved. Account Recovery:
Metamorphosis2w ago
Go through automated recovery tool
CyPieter >3
CyPieter >3OP2w ago
Metamorphosis2w ago
Or from the ticket, you can choose the recover my account option and fill in the form
CyPieter >3
CyPieter >3OP2w ago
Yeah it says that I have not given enough information Even though the only thing I don't remember is my first email I used to create the account
Metamorphosis2w ago
Go through your emails, might find out which 1 you used
andrew2w ago
you have to send them a ticket, someone hacked my account too i’m waiting for a response back, i showed them a receipt many of them i also forgot the first email on the account lfmao
CyPieter >3
CyPieter >3OP2w ago
It's in *** tho
Metamorphosis2w ago
Wha That’s not what I meant Check your emails every emails you have
CyPieter >3
CyPieter >3OP2w ago
Oh But like wich ticket cuz I only see tickets for games like val Well I checked and I don't have any info to that account
andrew2w ago
then you ain’t getting that back you need receipts
CyPieter >3
CyPieter >3OP2w ago
GG At least it was an alt acc And didn't spend any money on it I can always create another
andrew2w ago
then its not that serious if its not ur main
CyPieter >3
CyPieter >3OP2w ago
Yeah but still I wanted to safe a few hours so I wouldn't have to grind
FlameWasTaken2w ago
FlameWasTaken2w ago
I would love to hear your story! But here's mine. So, I wanted to boost FPS for my low-end pc so I went to youtube and saw a video and it said if you download a boost PACK (the link for download was given in the video description) it said you can get more FPS so I followed the link then downloaded the pack and runned the exe inside the zip file. Then nothing happened and I went to sleep. The next day, I saw my datetime of computer was changed to 2087 and smt month and day. I ignore this as a window error. Then when I tried to play valorant, I saw my account was log out so I checked my gmail and saw someone hacked into my account. Here is the images:
No description
No description
CyPieter >3
CyPieter >3OP2w ago
Meanwhile my dumbass was trying SMTH for my friend so he wouldn't have to risk his main account It was similar to yours
FlameWasTaken2w ago
Came here to share a good news of mine! I got my account back!! Just go to the support of valorant and submit a ticket for valorant and select 'Recover my account' and give the nesessary details with images and reason of how ur account got hacked then they will send u a mail saying ur ticket is submitted and just wait for 2-4 days and then they will mail u in the email u provided with details for recovering ur account.

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