Unstable ping and packet loss
Valorant is the only game where my ping keeps frequently jumping up to above 100 and dropping back down again. Does anyone know why that could be? Some rounds it will run completely fine and others its unstable. I dont have any downloads running in the background either
4 Replies
@Kaz yo OP, where do you play from and what is your server that you having problems with. Also who is your provider
I play from Belgium, servers are mostly london and frankfurt. Provider is Scarlet
Can you fill this form up please https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd9c4AbpNLxwxlVbtEgVQbdjgyAKOTllug5TSSPKPvm_Na5wA/viewform ill check it out shortly after
Google Docs
Riot Games - Latency issues form
In order to do a deep dive into your latency issues we need more details from your ISP, please go to https://ifconfig.co/ and fill this form with your details