Blade view with Tabs, Actions and Table conflicts

I have a blade view that has the following tabs:
<x-filament::tabs class="mb-5">

@foreach($enabledViews as $enabledView)
alpine-active="activeTab === '{{ $enabledView }}'"
x-on:click="setActiveTab('{{ $enabledView }}')"
{{ $enabledView->getLabel() }}

<x-filament::tabs class="mb-5">

@foreach($enabledViews as $enabledView)
alpine-active="activeTab === '{{ $enabledView }}'"
x-on:click="setActiveTab('{{ $enabledView }}')"
{{ $enabledView->getLabel() }}

one of this tabs contains a Filament table:
<div class="w-full flex flex-row justify-start items-start gap-5 overflow-x-auto pb-5"
x-show="activeTab === '{{ $condition }}'"

<div class="w-full">
{{ $table }}

<div class="w-full flex flex-row justify-start items-start gap-5 overflow-x-auto pb-5"
x-show="activeTab === '{{ $condition }}'"

<div class="w-full">
{{ $table }}

in the other tabs I have Filament actions, that was working fine before I add the {{ $table }} in the third tab, but now they are not firing the action method (if I use ->url(...) or ->dispatch(...) they are working, but not with ->action(...)). There is no errors in console or anything, the loading indicator of the button starts and finish an nothing works, but when I change to the tab containing the table I have my action fired and the action modal is visible. If I remove the {{ $table }} all actions works fine. any idea?
4 Replies
HatimOP2w ago
If I add
<x-filament-actions::modals />
<x-filament-actions::modals />
just after my actions, they works. But the table actions not working anymore!
awcodes2w ago
Are the tabs inside a form?
HatimOP6d ago
Sorry didn’t see your message, nope they are outside
awcodes5d ago
Hmm. I’m thinking it’s maybe a conflict of the HasActions interface and trait. Are you using one livewire component. Or is each tab’s content individual livewire components?

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