Novu-signature not found
When I run the production build (npm run build, nom start) of novu framework I get the error “novu-signature” not found from local studio.
I typically use the dev version which runs fine, but I’d like to validate also the production build with local studio.
Is there a switch to skip the signature check with the production build?
6 Replies
@Matteo Grolla, you just advanced to level 3!
@Matteo Grolla
We don't recommend using local studio for production purpose, it is built only for local machine testing.
Production Deployment Guide - Novu
Learn how to deploy your Novu Framework application to production including networking, security, and HMAC verification setup.
Harcode false value for
field, by default it is false for dev environment and true for production build
Client - Novu
Thanks, the hardcoding approach works.
I’ not trying to use local studio in production.
I’m just testing the production build of my custom workflows before deploying them
Thanks for the update Matteo