German layout

Hi! I have build my first keyboard and so far a lot works fine. I want to use german characters like äßöü. Those work fine. But i am not able to setup the @ character, square brackets or the pipe character. I setup the keys_de.h config and added the import to my keymap file as state in this guide: I also tried changing the locale of my keyboard, that wasnt successfull either since the "german umlaute" were removed by the change. Do you have another idea what could help?
Community Spotlight Series #3: ZMK Tools and ZMK Locale Generator |...
This blog continues our series of posts where we highlight projects within the ZMK ecosystem
3 Replies
TyperAI2w ago
Hi! Happy to help with your German layout. It sounds like you've followed the ZMK locale guide. Let's try a couple of things: 1. Verify keys_de.h: Double-check that @, [], and | are correctly mapped in your keys_de.h file. 2. Keymap Layer: Ensure the layer with these characters is active when you're trying to use them. 3. Check your ZMK config: Ensure that the correct layout is configured. If you're still stuck, can you share your corne.keymap (or lily58.keymap) file? I can take a look. You can also find more help in the ZMK documentation: Let me know if you need more help! Just reply or tag me.
Installing ZMK | ZMK Firmware
Unlike other keyboard firmwares, ZMK Firmware has been built from the ground up to allow users to manage
vincevega93OP2w ago
the file is too large, so here is the raise layer in which the at sign is:raiselayer { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // | TAB | ! | @ | # | $ | % | | ^ | & | * | ( | ) | BSPC | // | CTRL | | | | | | | - | = | [ | ] | \ | ` | // | SHFT | | | | | | | | + | { | } | "|" | ~ | // | GUI | | SPC | | ENT | | ALT | bindings = < &kp TAB &kp EXCL &kp DE_AT &kp DE_HASH &kp DE_DOLLAR &kp DE_PERCENT &kp DE_TILDE &kp DE_GRAVE &kp DE_LPAR &kp DE_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS &kp DE_QUESTION &kp BSPC &kp LCTRL &kp DE_A_UMLAUT &kp DE_SZ &kp DE_O_UMLAUT &kp DE_U_UMLAUT &kp F12 &kp DE_MINUS &kp DE_EQUAL &kp DE_LEFT_BRACE &kp DE_RIGHT_BRACE &kp DE_SINGLE_QUOTE &kp DE_DOUBLE_QUOTES &kp LEFT_SHIFT &bt BT_SEL 0 &bt BT_SEL 1 &bt BT_CLR &kp C_VOL_DN &kp C_VOLUME_UP &kp DE_UNDERSCORE &kp DE_PLUS &kp DE_LBKT &kp DE_RBKT &kp PIPE &kp RIGHT_SHIFT &kp LGUI &trans &kp SPACE &kp RET &trans &kp RALT >; }; and this is the definition in the keys_de file: /* @ */ #define DE_AT_SIGN (RA(ZMK_HID_USAGE(HID_USAGE_KEY, HID_USAGE_KEY_KEYBOARD_Q))) #define DE_AT (DE_AT_SIGN)
Marcos | @mctechnology17
I wrote some definitions for German without any additional tweaks. You can take a look here, you can add it as a simple include:
zmk-config/config/keymap_german_mac_iso_zmk.h at main · mctechnolog...
Quickly and easily configure your Wireless corne - sofle - lily58 keyboard with ZMK - mctechnology17/zmk-config

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