Filament5d ago

Global search result in modal

I have really searched everywhere, but I can't find anything about it. I would really like to open certain resources directly in the edit modal from the global search, but how? thx
4 Replies
You can open the edit modal using a custom url param ?tableAction=edit&tableActionRecord=1 https://demo.filamentphp.com/blog/categories?tableAction=edit&tableActionRecord=1 Maybe this can help you to achieve what you want
EvoOP5d ago
Hi @LeandroFerreira, that would only work if you stay on the same page. Let's assume you're on Filament Demo Dashboard Page and you start the global search. You want to open the category via a modal while staying on the Dashboard page.
I don't think it is possible. spotlight plugin has this feature but the action also redirects to the resource page This is the channel if you want more info#pxlrbt-spotlight-pro
Filament Spotlight Pro
Browse your Filament Panel with ease.

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