error when I update my system (NOT MALWARE JUST A BUG)
it says this
the thing is I don't have "tailgate" and I looked it up and its a VPN which is kinda crazy but I use a free one in my browser but maybe it downloaded a malware that tries to install tailgate?
14 Replies
also to my absolute horror all of my steam games don't launch and crash on startup both native and proton ones
no its not a malware since bazzite ship tailscale by default
different issue which needs its own post with logs and more info about your setup
Status code: 451 for (IP: 2607:f740:f::d19) 451
In computer networking, HTTP 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons is a proposed standard error status code of the HTTP protocol to be displayed when the user requests a resource which cannot be served for legal reasons, such as a web page censored by a government. The number 451 is a reference to Ray Bradbury's 1953 dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451, ...
check to see if you have a VPN enabled, if so, disable it or change its destination
try a mobile network via tethering
alright so I rebooted my computer but I have the same issue
Are you in Russia?
no i just tried tethering but have same issue
i just thought its related cos it happend at the same time but i only really need my games to work
so I will make another thread
but i havent googled how to fix it yet
what country are you located in?
i fixed it bu removing gamemoderun %command%
it dawned on me that they might fix gamemode run which makes my games faster in new update, but I cant install it, but I last updated like 2 days ago, so when they fix it then I will fix this
alright so
so apparently someone had the exactly the same issue as I did and said exactly the same thing thats crazy and thats number 1
error when I update my system (NOT MALWARE JUST A BUG) - Universal ...
it says this
── 19:07:55 - System update ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Pulling manifest: ostree-image-signed:docker://
Checking out tree 2aa7dfe... done
Enabled rpm-md repositories:
number 2 is that I changed my wifi via moving to a different place and it still happens and the link above is the only other person havingthe same issue
and number 3 is that i am starting to have issues such as starbound not working on gpu, image opener is laggy and gamemode not working so I think I ned the update
so I am making the new thread
uhh thats your own thread lol, answeroverflow is mirroring this discord so people can find it without using discord
You don't have to say malware