More Complex Charts

I am looking to add more complex charts to my widgets. I have seen references and questions about adding HighCharts or adding a chart js package ( Nothing I have tried works. Is there an article or something to guide me how to do this. I can't find anything online that helps
6 Replies
complex charts.. could you explain it?
BlandIndustriesOP7d ago
I am looking for either a Sankey chart or a drill down pie/donut chart these are not options on basic chart js
Maxi7d ago
If you're looking for a solution that works out of the box, you might want to go with the Apex Charts plugin ( It doesn't have Sankey out of the box IIRC, but a drill down pie/donut chart should be kind of possible if you start changing around the labels. You can also look at the source code of the plugin to try and implement ApexSankey.js which is also made by ApexCharts AFAIK (
Free Open-Source JavaScript Sankey Chart
Create stunning flow diagrams in your apps with our JavaScript Sankey Chart plugin. 100% free to use with no signup required. Try it now.
Maxi7d ago
[Apex Charts Library] Drill Down on Apex Charts | OutSystems
[Apex Charts Library] Drill Down on Apex Charts
BlandIndustriesOP7d ago
I will take a look at those options. I have not used apex charts before but I am willing to look
I tried this approach, but it didn't work. I think you will achieve it by creating a custom Livewire component, importing custom assets, etc.

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