Select not showing any options
Since a few days my select fields are not showing any options anymore; tried:
php artisan filament:upgrade
php artisan view:clear
php artisan config:clear
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan route:clear
and rebooted laravel ofcourse
Getting the following error
Deel je code makkelijk met anderen via Hastebin.NL, een snelle en makkelijk te gebruiken online code editor.
2 Replies
It is kind of impossible that it was working before and then with no code update, or database changes it stops working
as the only error here is a javascript error try to refresh the browser cache as well as any CDN caches too
php artisan filament:assets
as wellUncaught ReferenceError: selectFormComponent is not definedThat probably means that your Javascript is not loaded correctly. Check your DevTools. Are the files missing? Are they returning correct JS or maybe some HTML error page?