ortho para directing

is nitroso group meta director or o/p director
37 Replies
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hardcoreisdeadOP4w ago
my doubt stems from this
No description
hardcoreisdeadOP4w ago
option C
hardcoreisdeadOP4w ago
Chemistry Stack Exchange
Why is the nitroso group a deactivating group for electrophilic aro...
Does the lone pair of nitrogen in nitrosobenzene take part in resonance? If not, then why? If it takes part in resonance then the hybridisation of nitrogen is sp. Can a sp hybridised atom be attach...
hardcoreisdeadOP4w ago
2 different explanations given both convincng
_zbro4w ago
It is -M and a meta director, I suppose. The reason backing my ans would be since it is a withdrawing group, which would generate +ve charges over ortho and para positions due to resonance.
hardcoreisdeadOP4w ago
lone of pair of N can be in conjugation too
_zbro4w ago
For that, it has been said by our teacher that generally, double bond-double bond resonance is more prioritized over lone par-double bond.
hardcoreisdeadOP4w ago
Opt4w ago
Nitroso is +M iirc. There is a lone pair on Nitrogen which can be donated. Nitro is different because nitrogen has an empty p orbital because it gives away the lp with a coordinate covalent bond to oxygen.
_zbro4w ago
I don't really have a reason for this though.
hardcoreisdeadOP4w ago
does it make a sure thing that electrons will be withdrawn yes ig because if oxygen gives electon to N it will go in the empty orbital preventing resonanc
Opt4w ago
If you have a vacant orbital on the ring-connected atom, then yeah, it's for sure EWG Not happening. Valency of oxygen. Only time oxygen gives electrons with a dative bond is in carbon monoxide or alike species. Iirc. There might be exceptions, but this is not one.
hardcoreisdeadOP4w ago
+electronegativity of O
Opt4w ago
That too. Oxygen does not like sharing.
hardcoreisdeadOP4w ago
true so nitro is for sure ewg nitroso confusion remains
Opt4w ago
Nitroso is EDG. Lp on Nitrogen can be donated. Just like in NH2
hardcoreisdeadOP4w ago
nitro (no2) is shows very good -m effect very good ewg
Opt4w ago
Nitroso mb. Typo.
hardcoreisdeadOP4w ago
but then ans to this will be 4 , (given 3 in module) fiitjee module so idk bout trusting the key
Opt4w ago
Then I guess they're using the logic that (-) charge is more stable on oxygen. Shifting double bond to oxygen
stormycloud4w ago
Nitro so is op director
_zbro4w ago
I think it can act as both, ortho-para and meta director, depending over other groups. In the end the matter is to become more stable/more electron density in ring. Whatever goes best with it would do.
stormycloud4w ago
NO is a deactivator but a ortho para director like halogens
hardcoreisdeadOP4w ago
with this in regard and following the ans key we can conclude nitroso is meta directing
stormycloud4w ago
hardcoreisdeadOP4w ago
nitro is meta directing too
stormycloud4w ago
Let me check my class note a etc Cuz I learnt this pretty sure Yah it’s given NO I’d a deaftivator of EAS but op Deactivtaor* Let me read the question
_zbro4w ago
But this doesnt imply that it shouldn't be considered an o/p director? I suppose.
hardcoreisdeadOP4w ago
it tends more towards meta directing nature
_zbro4w ago
I see.
stormycloud4w ago
hardcoreisdeadOP4w ago
given 3
stormycloud4w ago
Yah NO is op It is an exception like halogens . Nvm didn’t read the Q fully
_zbro4w ago
Say, I consider a benzene ring with a group having withdrawing characteristic, and NO attached to ortho position. NO here should be donating in nature to increase the electron density in the ring, which is what is favorable. Would be opposite for a donating group being attached with NO.
Dexter3w ago
its both +M and -M btw depends on the Degree of both of them if the +M factor is more then it should be o/p and if -M is more than Meta directing it is i think that it should deactivate the ring as of total because -I bhi hai right..

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