Translation problem on notification action dropdown in notification center from iframe

Hi Novu team, i think there is a translation problem in the notification center from iframe i setup the novu.init() with i18n: this.$store.state.user.lang wich for my case can only be 'ar' or 'fr' but the action dropdown doesn't translate at all (view screenshot)
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7 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain3w ago
@RaptorFou @novu/notification-center is not actively maintained. I would recommend to create workflows on new dashboard and use @novu/react. Checkout this doc on how to localize the inbox component
Novu Cloud Dashboard
Novu Cloud Dashboard
Localizing the Inbox component - Novu
Learn how to localize the pre built Inbox component
RaptorFouOP3w ago
hey @Pawan Jain thanks for the reply, but i think i misexplained myself by omitting some context. i'm using the notification center via iframe embed in a Vue 2 project. in the novu.init() part i set up the i18n parameter to only be 'ar' or 'fr' everything in the notification center gets translated except the dropdown shown in the screenshot above are these translations missing ? if so, do i need to specify the translations for them ?
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain2w ago
@RaptorFou here is the example code to create custom translation values
unseenBadgeSelector: "#unseen-badge",
bellSelector: "#notification-bell",
colorScheme: "dark",
position: {
top: "50px",
left: `${left}px`,
showUserPreferences: true,

i18n: {
lang: "ar",
translations: {
poweredBy: "powered by custom",
markAllAsRead: "maekAllAsRead custom",
notifications: "notifications custom",
settings: "settings custom",
removeMessage: "remove message custom",
markAsRead: "mark as read custom",
markAsUnRead: "mark as unread custom",
noNewNotification: "no new notifications custom",
subscriberId: subscriberId,
firstName: "pawan",
lastName: "jain",
unseenBadgeSelector: "#unseen-badge",
bellSelector: "#notification-bell",
colorScheme: "dark",
position: {
top: "50px",
left: `${left}px`,
showUserPreferences: true,

i18n: {
lang: "ar",
translations: {
poweredBy: "powered by custom",
markAllAsRead: "maekAllAsRead custom",
notifications: "notifications custom",
settings: "settings custom",
removeMessage: "remove message custom",
markAsRead: "mark as read custom",
markAsUnRead: "mark as unread custom",
noNewNotification: "no new notifications custom",
subscriberId: subscriberId,
firstName: "pawan",
lastName: "jain",
@RaptorFou Did you get chance to try above code to change translations?
RaptorFouOP7d ago
@Pawan Jain, i haven’t had the chance to test it yet, i'll update you once i do
RaptorFouOP5d ago
@Pawan Jain i just tested it, seems to work perfectly fine Just a little suggestion about the documentation, it would be helpful if the i18n translation object section included a complete list of variables that can be modified, like you did in your example above
Customizing Notification Center - Novu
Learn how to customize the pre built notification center component partially or building your own notification center component from scratch using Novu provided hooks
Novu_Bot5d ago
@RaptorFou, you just advanced to level 1!
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain5d ago
Sure Raptor 🙌🏻

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