Arma Reforger Playerlist/ban list

Seeing that on Arma Reforger if you have rcon linked to it via battlemetrics I had a few questions. Why does the ban system just kick them rather then sending a ban command via rcon to hard ban them via base game system then running the unban command when their ban is up or removed? Is there a way to pull the playerlist via api for a discord bot for the arma reforger servers that have rcon access? Is there a way to do the time played leaderboard like you see on servers like squad and pull it via api for a discord bot as I can see time played on the user's profile based off the arma ID for arma reforger servers that have rcon access?
3 Replies
[MIG] EOC LongBarrel
1. BM system does that for all games, The reasoning for this is it's easyier to control, you have instant ban removal, Alot of games ban systems aren't the best and require some sort of server side action before the ban is actually removed. Some games support a "Ban Sync" Where the ban not only is issued in BM but also to the server, it will stay on server for a set time per settings in Ban List. 2. for games that does not support player list, yes their is a way to pull it, but you would have to pull it via a Raw Command. or do some strange API request of player search, filter server, online now. (im unsure if this will be correct) 3. leaderboard is linked to playerlist, without playerlist leaderboard is not generated, squad no longer contributes to the leaderboard as the playerlist is no longer, so alot of the times your seeing the past leadersboards that occured when the playerlist was supported. 4. you can create your own leaderboard, but you would need to query each player and pull their server time manually into your own database & generate it off that using the RCON data. P.S Good to see you 🙂
ZuetlauOP•2w ago
You too lol Alright my main goal was the leaderboard, playerlist isn't a big deal but I've always found the leaderboards to be fun and it would be cool to allow users to see the top players
[MIG] EOC LongBarrel
yeah best bet would be to pull all current hours, Then set it to run once a week to calculate their weekly hours. all would have to be setup on your end.

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