meta director

very small doubt is -ch=ch2 a meta director or o/p director
22 Replies
iTeachChem Helper
iTeachChem Helper
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Opt4w ago
It can be both EWG and EDG but in general, for EAS rxns, it's gonna act like a EWG. Look at the conditions tho
hardcoreisdeadOP4w ago
so meta director?
Gamertug4w ago
how can it be EDG wont it be EWG
Opt4w ago
If there is a better EWG on the ortho/para position, allyl group becomes donating.
Gamertug4w ago
ohh makes sense
Opt4w ago
Because, in essence, it's a resonating system. If there isn't anything to pull away its electrons, it's going to pull towards itself, but if something else pulls at it, it'll give away its electrons density.
Gamertug4w ago
basically when better EWG it sucks electron harder and wrt to the ring the allyl becomes erich and it donates?
Opt4w ago
Yup, that's what I've learnt
stormycloud4w ago
Wait isn’t ethene op director ?
_zbro4w ago
according to my knowledge, this should do +M, and should be an ortho-para directing group.
hardcoreisdeadOP4w ago
har jagah alag kyu aa rha 😭
Real potato
Real potato4w ago
Imo it is ewg although i would like to see the que
_zbro4w ago
I am sorry for the confusion from my side. This group contains sp² electronegative carbon which would have a -I effect. By checking resonance of this group with benzene ring. The conclusion is: generation of +ve charge due to resonance with this group on ortho and para positions. This would make this group a meta directing group. this is the best I could do, from my side.
hardcoreisdeadOP4w ago
My doubt is a part of this ques , the ones I ticked are for sure meta directing (and this gives the right ans too) but not sure whether ch=ch2 is meta directing
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_zbro4w ago
According to ans, as you say, -CH=CH2 should be an ortho para directing group. Since other m-directing groups are correctly marked.
hardcoreisdeadOP4w ago
Taking electronegativity into acc ig we can conclude that ch=ch2 has more meta directing tendency , however it may vary if other grps are present
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Gamertug4w ago
that goes for every weak EWG
hardcoreisdeadOP4w ago
this makes the most sense ig
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hardcoreisdeadOP4w ago
+solved @Opt
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