Novu•4w ago

Is Iframe and webcomponent deprecated?

We're experimenting with integrating Novu into our platform. We don't use react so we were looking to use the webcomponents or iframe alternatives. However, now when I revisit the documentation it's only available under v0 and for v2 there's only React and headless modes documented. So, my questions are: - Is it possible and a good idea to use iframes/webcomponents in v2? - If so, will they keep being supported?
3 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•4w ago
hey 👋 web component is not supported in new dashboard we are not planning to add support at least in this quarter how many events / notifications you are planning to send daily or monthly on average?
karatekaneenOP•4w ago
Allright, how about Iframe? We have about 30k users and are planning to replace our in-house notification system with something like novu. This is of course going to be a partial rollout so I think the first couple of modules will generate somewhere between 1-10k events/month. However, we have very complex compliance rules so not sure if the managed solution is right for us yet
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•3w ago
@karatekaneen I missed iframe in previous message. We are not planning to support both iframe and web component in new dashboard and 2.0.0

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