Nice Nano cannot update manually and locked out of ZMK Studio

Hi there, I have been using the keymap editor for a long time to build my firmware and then I flash it manually. Not too long ago I switched to ZMK studio and when I was updating my layouts I forgot to add a sticky layer key to my new layer and I have lost access to my unlock button. I tried to go back to my last keymap editor firmware because I know that the unlock key was on that one but for some reason, I cannot get my nano to flash the firmware anymore. I go through the process but it doesn't actually update. So I feel a bit stuck now and do not know what to do.
6 Replies
TyperAI3w ago
Sorry to hear you're having trouble! It sounds like you're locked out of your keyboard. First, try entering the bootloader by double-tapping the reset button. If that doesn't work, see this guide: Then, try flashing the default firmware to see if that fixes the issue: Let me know if that helps! If not, tag me again and we can troubleshoot further.
Entering the Bootloader | Documentation
Learn how to enter the bootloader on your nice!nano.
Firmware | Documentation
If you're not familiar, ZMK is a wireless-focused firmware, and it powers our Corne Wireless.
BenOP3w ago
I can get into the bootloader but when I try flashing the new firmware nothing changes
TyperAI3w ago
Thanks for the update. A couple of things to check: * Try a different USB cable. * Try a different device. * Make sure the power switch is on after flashing. If that doesn't work, try manually shorting the RST and GND pins on the nice!nano with metal tweezers. Double-tap to enter the bootloader this way, too. See this guide for more info: Let me know if any of that helps! If not, tag me again and we can troubleshoot further.
Entering the Bootloader | Documentation
Learn how to enter the bootloader on your nice!nano.
PurpleTaro3w ago
This could be a case where you've hit a fun(?) edge case.. is the new firmware you're flashing with CONFIG_ZMK_STUDIO_LOCKING set to y still? I think that controls the ZMK Studio lock behaviour but at the same time whatever you had loaded via zmk studio will persist as your keymaps.. (TL;DR - try load your firmware with CONFIG_ZMK_STUDIO_LOCKING=n so you can get ZMK studio access again, then get ZMK studio to reset back your keymaps to default so youre back to what your firmware is)
BenOP3w ago
well, I got it to manually flash by CONFIG_ZMK_STUDIO=n and CONFIG_ZMK_STUDIO_LOCKING=n. So thats a start
PurpleTaro3w ago
Good sign. If i understand that correctly, it'll make it so the board doesn't read anything ZMK studio related but I don't know if it'll reset the stored config. To do that, it'd be ZMK_STUDIO on, STUDIO_LOCKING off and then connect to it and do the reset that was as my only idea

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