Rich Editor <p> tag

is it possible to remove <p> tag when saving or when displaying the content?
I already solved it.. just for reference ``` <?php namespace App\Features\Filament\Fields;...
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5 Replies
yakslav4w ago
yeah. it is possible.
EskieOP4w ago
Can you guide me on how to do it?
yakslav4w ago
above all else, You can use php's String function library. Or if it is frontend side, u can use JS. Are u developer? What project are u working on? plz, Could u give me the project details?
EskieOP4w ago
@yakslav im looking for a cleaner way.. i can remove them if i want to but i just want to know if there is really a clean way to do it
Eskie4w ago
I already solved it.. just for reference

namespace App\Features\Filament\Fields;

use Closure;
use Filament\Forms\Components\RichEditor as BaseRichEditor;

class RichEditor extends BaseRichEditor
protected int | Closure | null $maxLength = 65535;

* @var array<string>
protected array | Closure $toolbarButtons = [

public static function make(string $name): static
$static = app(static::class, ['name' => $name]);


return $static;

* This will remove the <p></p> tag
* @return void
public function formatOutput(): void
$this->dehydrateStateUsing = function ($state) {
return preg_replace('/<\/?p>/', '', $state);

namespace App\Features\Filament\Fields;

use Closure;
use Filament\Forms\Components\RichEditor as BaseRichEditor;

class RichEditor extends BaseRichEditor
protected int | Closure | null $maxLength = 65535;

* @var array<string>
protected array | Closure $toolbarButtons = [

public static function make(string $name): static
$static = app(static::class, ['name' => $name]);


return $static;

* This will remove the <p></p> tag
* @return void
public function formatOutput(): void
$this->dehydrateStateUsing = function ($state) {
return preg_replace('/<\/?p>/', '', $state);

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