repeater deleteAction get deleted record to handle it?

I'm using a repeater (technically the TableRepeater plugin) and I need to handle some things when a row is deleted. I need to update a total in another field, and I need to also delete the record from the database. I'm unclear on how to actually get the record that's being deleted. I have this but it seems to just be a uuid of the record. I'm missing some knowledge on how to do this. Looked at the docs, searched threads, looked at source code and I'm still stuck.
->deleteAction(function (\Filament\Forms\Components\Actions\Action $action) {

$action->after(function (array $arguments, Get $get, Set $set) {
->deleteAction(function (\Filament\Forms\Components\Actions\Action $action) {

$action->after(function (array $arguments, Get $get, Set $set) {
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1 Reply
Jon Mason
Jon MasonOP3w ago
This gets me what I need:
$action->before(function (array $arguments, \Filament\Forms\Components\Repeater $component, Get $get, Set $set) {

$action->before(function (array $arguments, \Filament\Forms\Components\Repeater $component, Get $get, Set $set) {


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