API Token page does not load for me

I am an admin but this account token page does not load for me? It keeps spinning for infinite amount of time?
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4 Replies
Erisa4w ago
you need to be super admin to manage account api tokens, admin isnt enough you can create a user api token instead if its suitable for your case
revenantOP4w ago
I see . I was able to integrate Cloudflare Logpush into my axiom account, its been three days and I am not able to get worker dataset logpush events The test logs are coming successfully but the worker logs are not. These are the things that I have already verified logpush is enabled in my wrangler.toml axiom is successfully connected with logpush as i can see in the dashboard we are on workers paid plan -logpush job is properly setup with worker trace event
Erisa4w ago
not sure, this sounds like a completely different problem so perhaps if you open a new thread then someone else might have some ideas. ive not used axiom before so i wouldnt know
revenantOP4w ago
Okay I have narrowed it down to the issue that logpush is not able to send worker logs. I event tried to push logs to cloudflare R2 itself but that doesnt seem to take any logs either except for test logs which happen initially I might open another thread. Thanks for your input!

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