Lily58 Compatibility with ASUS BT500
Hey all, I just built my lily58 pro and it's working just fine. I had some input delay and double click issues when I connected to my computer using the onboard Bluetooth receiver.
I decided to buy an external BT Receiver (Asus USB-BT500 more specifically) to get a better connection. The problem is that I can't seem to make the connection using the dongle.
I certified that the nice!nano BT profile was cleared, and that the desktop profile from my previously successful connection was erased too.
Any ideas of what could be happening here and how to fix it?
5 Replies
It sounds like you're experiencing some connectivity issues with your Lily58 and the ASUS BT500 dongle. Here are a few steps you can try to troubleshoot the problem:
1. Ensure the Keyboard is On: Make sure your Lily58 is powered on and the nice!nano is functioning properly. You should see the blue LED blink when you press the reset button.
2. Check BLE Compatibility: Confirm that your ASUS BT500 supports at least BLE version 4.2, as this is required for pairing with your keyboard.
3. Profile Management: Since you've cleared the nice!nano BT profile and the desktop profile, ensure that the profile you are trying to connect to is active. You can switch profiles using the
&bt BT_SEL <profile number>
4. Pairing with a Mobile Device: Try pairing your keyboard with a mobile phone. This can help determine if the issue lies with the keyboard or the ASUS dongle.
5. Reset Both Devices: Reset both the keyboard and the ASUS dongle. This can help establish a fresh connection.
6. Check for Existing Bonds: If the ASUS dongle has previously connected to another device, it may have a bond that needs to be cleared. Make sure to clear any existing bonds on both the dongle and the keyboard.
If you've tried all these steps and are still having issues, please let me know, and we can explore further troubleshooting options!tried all of these. Connecting with a mobile device worked, but I knew it would be the case. BT500 should be compatible with the keyboard and the dongle is fresh out of the box
I have the same dongle and it works without any problems on Linux. Have you tried it with other computers or tried connecting other devices to it? Maybe you got a bad sample.
my mouse an MX3s connected just fine to the BT500, which makes me think it's probably a problem with the profiles in my nice!nano, but I don't know exactly how to troubleshoot further - I already tried resetting all of my connection profiles, and tried to connect using profiles I've never used before (4 and 5)
I was able to connect the keyb via bluetooth to every other device I have, including my Win but using a different bluetooth receiver
ok I got the fix:
- I was trying to delete the BT profiles individually to restablish the connection.
- What I had to do was assigned the "Clear all BT profiles" function to one of my keys, and wipe all of the profiles before trying to connect again.
It was a minor annoyance because now I have to reconnect everything again but at least I finally managed to connect to the new BT dongle.
Connecting through BT500 also fixed the delay and double key press issues I was having with my onboard bt receiver
Thanks for trying to help me @Escape