Urgent – Unable to Receive Emails & Cloudflare Access Issue

I'm experiencing a critical issue with my email. My domain is managed through Cloudflare, while my email is hosted on SiteGround. Cloudflare is requiring me to reset my password before I can log in, but I am unable to receive the reset email because my email is not working. The issue is that my email needs to be properly configured with the DNS settings on Cloudflare, but I cannot update them because I’m locked out of my account. If there is any alternative way to reset my Cloudflare password or verify my identity, please let me know. I would greatly appreciate your urgent support in resolving this issue. Looking forward for a prompt response.
8 Replies
Erisa4w ago
I know this doesn't help you now but for future please do not ever set your account email to one on a domain managed by your Cloudflare account unless you have to, because it causes nasty lockouts ?account-recovery
These links may help, but they only work when logged out. You can always use an Incognito Window or a Private Window to ensure you're logged out. If you know the email: https://dash.cloudflare.com/forgot-password If you know the email and have 2FA or email delivery issues: https://dash.cloudflare.com/login-help If you don't know the email: https://dash.cloudflare.com/forgot-email
Erisa4w ago
the second link has options for specifying that you cant recieve email to the address
shing86OP4w ago
Ciao Erisa, thanks for your response. Unfortunately, these solutions don’t work because when I enter my email or domain, the system tells me that I will receive an email from [email protected]. But I can’t receive any emails at all, so I’m completely locked out.
Erisa4w ago
Did you fill in this part correctly?
Erisa4w ago
No description
Erisa4w ago
"Account email address" is the one you cant access, "Contact email address" is another one they can reply to you on
shing86OP4w ago
Thank you so much! I feel so stupid, I didn’t even see this section, probably because I was panicking! xD I just submitted a support request, and I really hope the issue can be resolved soon. Thanks again!

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