Transfer Ownership (Org)
We're looking for some help in regards to Battlemetrics Organisation. The original setup / creator hasn't been online for last few weeks and we've noticed the RCON has been suspended on our 9 servers we use BM for.
Is there a possibility of getting this transferred/or a payment made to reactivate the account?
Our first priority is to restore RCON access. Then to get in touch with original creator for transfer so we don't go through this issue again.
Happy to make payment / whatever is needed just to restore service.
Many thanks
8 Replies
Payment needs to be made on his account,
Their is nothing setup to pay for someone else's account.
All i can suggest is find the person with full permissions on the ORG to remove the servers & have someone else pay for RCON & Add the servers to that new ORG.
If they have full permissions you can share the banlists over also, but you will have to redo/share/copy any triggers/schedules/notes/flags across manually,
once you get hold of the ORG owner you can have him transfer the Ownership of the ORG to someone else.
How can I transfer my organization?
You can transfer your organization by vising the Organization page. See the "Orgs" button in the upper right-hand corner of the RCON view. Once on the Organizat
Thanks for response.
That's a real shame ref payment > Is there no alternative? As you can quite imagine, the list of triggers is vast for what we have.
There's no alternative if you can't get the cooperation of the owner.
Thanks Hordicus - It's not that there's a cooperation issue - It's just we haven't seen him online for the last few weeks - tried his mobile, email etc to no avail.
Is there a possibility of duplicating / saving the triggers / rules / flags and the years of time we've put into this to at least get a copy of all the various things onto a new account? We can manually remove / update the server to the new organisation, not a problem.
Ok - to make a mountain out of molehill!
Ownership now transferred, now updated.
In the meantime, we created a new org, which now needs to be deleted. It's connected up to one of our servers which is also connected up to the original Org. When we go to disable the connection, it disables it on both orgs. We want to retain the server on the original Org, but now delete the new Org we created.
Delete any servers from the org you want to delete. Then go into the edit organization and make sure it has no members. Then the org owner should be able to leave/delete the org
Yep, I understand, perhaps my explanation.
Server 1# is added to ORG1 and ORG2.
ORG1 = original.
ORG2 = new.
I go to disable the connection first. But it's disabling on BOTH ORG1 and ORG2. I want to retain Server 1# on ORG1. The delete / disable page is the same and doesn't deleting it from a certain ORG:
Are we going to need to just disable / delete it and then re-add it to ORG1.
Yes. Delete it and re-add to the original ORG