Error: There are multiple relations between "__public__.*" and "*". Please specify relation name

I got this error and originally it was a legitimate error (which i fixed) however drizzle studio is still complaining about it.
3 Replies
⚡Z.E.U.S⚡2mo ago
@Joe Hey! Can you share your drizzle schema?
JoeOP2mo ago
export const userRelations = relations(user, ({ many }) => ({ sessions: many(gameSession), createdDecks: many(deck), playerStates: many(playerState), activeGames: many(gameSession, { relationName: 'activePlayer' }), wonGames: many(gameSession, { relationName: 'winner' }), })); export const gameSessionRelations = relations(gameSession, ({ one, many }) => ({ game: one(game, { fields: [gameSession.gameId], references: [], }), deck: one(deck, { fields: [gameSession.deckId], references: [], }), currentPhase: one(phase, { fields: [gameSession.currentPhaseId], references: [], }), activePlayer: one(user, { fields: [gameSession.activePlayerId], references: [], relationName: 'activePlayer' }), winner: one(user, { fields: [gameSession.winnerId], references: [], relationName: 'winner' }), playerStates: many(playerState), actions: many(gameAction), events: many(gameEvent), })); Error: There are multiple relations between "public.gameSession" and "user". Please specify relation name is the relation supposed to reference one side or something different to avoid clash?
⚡Z.E.U.S⚡2mo ago
It looks like the error is that you added one relations for activeGames and wonGames but did not add them for sessions.

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