Get all authors with latest book

With the classic library/author/book example, how can i query all authors, each with their latest book? (Assuming some sort of book.releaseDate column) The goal is to not load all books from the DB and perform the "latest" filter in the Node.js backend code. With regular SQL, one possible solution is a subquery. I've searched for existing solutions that use Drizzle but couldn't find any, so i asked ChatGPT and it went straight to "you gotta use raw SQL for the subquery" 💀 I hope this is one of the many cases of SmartAutocompleteGPT being wrong.
Assuming at least one to many authors -> books ```ts const authorsWithLatestBook = db.query.authors.findMany({...
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7 Replies
Chev•2mo ago
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functionOP•2mo ago
SELECT a.author_id, a.author_name, b.book_id, b.book_title, b.release_date
FROM authors a
JOIN books b ON a.author_id = b.author_id
WHERE b.release_date = (
SELECT MAX(b1.release_date)
FROM books b1
WHERE b1.author_id = b.author_id
SELECT a.author_id, a.author_name, b.book_id, b.book_title, b.release_date
FROM authors a
JOIN books b ON a.author_id = b.author_id
WHERE b.release_date = (
SELECT MAX(b1.release_date)
FROM books b1
WHERE b1.author_id = b.author_id
TOSL•2mo ago
Assuming at least one to many authors -> books
const authorsWithLatestBook = db.query.authors.findMany({
with: {
books: {
orderBy: (books, {desc}) => [desc(books.releaseDate),
limit: 1
const authorsWithLatestBook = db.query.authors.findMany({
with: {
books: {
orderBy: (books, {desc}) => [desc(books.releaseDate),
limit: 1
I recommend you take the time to read the docs fully. They are good and you would definitely have come to same answer as this is a pretty simple query. orderby desc gives latest book first limit 1 gives only first book
functionOP•2mo ago
can't test right now but that looks like exactly what i'm looking for, thank you. your recommendation to read the docs hurts a bit because i spent a lot of time reading the docs, specifically looking for solutions to this greatest-n-per-group problem, and couldn't come up with something. i was unaware you could use "limit" inside "with".
TOSL•2mo ago
This isn't an attack. Please don't take offense. The docs aren't perfect but they are setup to answer most questions. I only say this because it took so many hours for you to get an answer here.
Drizzle ORM - Query
Drizzle ORM is a lightweight and performant TypeScript ORM with developer experience in mind.
functionOP•2mo ago
i didn't take it as an attack, i just felt a bit like i just didn't have the skills to find or come up with this, since the subquery example doesn't use limit but an aggregate function. i just wanted to express that i think me not finding a solution wasn't for lack of trying. anyway, thanks a lot for the solution and for the docs link.
TOSL•2mo ago
I wouldn't worry too much about it. There's always a learning curve for anything. I've been using Drizzle for quite a while now. Just browse the docs and play around on you're welcome

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