mfad2mo ago

Is it possible to wear a black suit jacket casually?

Is a black suit jacket too formal to wear with a dress shirt and jeans? Im only asking because you can only really wear a black suit to weddings, funerals etc Thanks
9 Replies
I wouldn't orphan a black suit blazer but it depends on the fabric I guess
gv2mo ago
I think you can. Its hard to pull off, but I am against the whole idea of not being able to wear 'orphaned' jackets
zeometer2mo ago
orphaned black jacket is playing on hard mode imo; i don't think you can just throw it over your regular shirt and jeans
zeometer2mo ago
charcoal or pinstripe black might be an 'easier' version
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SOP2mo ago
Okay, thanks for the advice
Michael2mo ago
Urban Composition (@urban_comp) on X
Black orphaned suit jackets are difficult, but they can look good juxtaposed with casual pieces. My favorites are a black/navy silk shirt, beat up jeans (darker is less contrast and thus stands out less), and Gucci bit loafers. Or use these for inspiration (see alt text):
From An unknown user
Michael2mo ago
but yeah like they said it's hard mode to do it right
Yakkeks2mo ago
Black corduroy is prolly easiest, but then its a very different suit from the getgo
Meaty,2mo ago
I tbh think black is an easier color for this than like a trad navy/grey what ppl said before is good though try some looks have fun w it

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