Rank push
I’m pushing for conqueror (my first time )but why the points increase every day to reach conqueror

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Top 500 players at the Ace tier or higher will be promoted to Conqueror at 00:20 UTC everyday. It shows that the minimum points to reach Conqueror now is 4675, but you will need to make sure when the leaderboard refreshes, your rank is still within the top 500, because the minimum point will increase anytime.
11 Replies
The points increase everyday to reach conqueror because other people in your server are competition with you, they will rank higher and reach conqueror, so it will be harder for you to reach
The points system are unreliable as it gets updated when server resets. Just focus on your rank as it'll update itself after you finish a match and remember you need to be in 1 - 500. Anything beyond 500 that means you got to catch up again the next day

So it means I have to be in top 500 always to remain in conqueror
That’s gonna be harder then I think
find good people and win lots of games camp if you have to. Avoid dying early as that's like 2-3 matches lost of points
The best way to get conquer tier start of season, in short play all day game at the beginning of season you can reach conquer in 1st week easily
Let me tell you one more think to get conquer tier you just have to reach ace and be in top 500. I mean just ace, not necessary to get ace master, ace dominator
What you think can I reach

Yes you can but you have to play 6hour a day because everyone want that title competition is tough
Bcz everyone is also pushing u just have to reach top 500 and some more additions points till 7am
Top 500 players at the Ace tier or higher will be promoted to Conqueror at 00:20 UTC everyday. It shows that the minimum points to reach Conqueror now is 4675, but you will need to make sure when the leaderboard refreshes, your rank is still within the top 500, because the minimum point will increase anytime.